more truth and wisdom from emerging dawn

this is the first person i ever followed on Twitter and I absolutely love everything she writes! i hope her words touch others as they have touched me!


like a knot that is untied

There is only one mind; it is not that there are two minds, one recognizing the other. In the very moment of recognizing, it is like a knot that is untied. We don’t have to do anything further than that, leave it untied. In the moment of looking, it is already seen. It is not that later on we come to see. Why? Because mind and mind essence are very close. The second reason is that it is not that mind essence is something that we have to get our sights on; it’s not like that. It is not that we need to hold the awareness on it for a while, like one or two minutes and slowly it will appear within our experience. Since there is only one mind, the moment you recognize, it is simply a matter of letting go. The thinker or knower of that moment is just like a new knot, like a new thought. The moment you abandon it, it unties. We are already arrived at where we need to arrive at, we are already in the nature of mind.

Tsoknyi Rinpoche

from the book “Carefree Dignity: Discourses on Training in the Nature of Mind”

A nurturing person

A nurturing person ~ Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche

We feel nurtured when we are nurturing. Only a nurturing person can nurture, and a nurturing person is nurtured by his or her own caring attitudes. If you can develop these qualities, you will no longer have to go around like a sponge, soaking up the drops of love others leave behind.

Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche

from the book “The Practice of Lojong: Cultivating Compassion through Training the Mind”
ISBN: 978-1590303788 –

Striving Precludes Attainment ~ Longchenpa

Striving Precludes Attainment ~ Longchenpa

2/8/15, 12:59 AM

O great being, listen!
We strive in meditation because we desire excellence,
but any striving precludes attainment;
excellence resides only in timeless self-sprung awareness.


from the book “Natural Perfection: Longchenpa’s Radical Dzogchen”

translated by Keith Dowman

improve & beautify the mind

The way the body is ~ Ajahn Chah

Conditions don’t belong to us. They follow their own natural course. We can’t do anything about the way the body is. We can beautify it a little, make it look attractive and clean for a while, like the young girls who paint their lips and let their nails grow long, but when old age arrives, everyone is in the same boat. That is the way the body is. We can’t make it any other way. But, what we can improve and beautify is the mind.

Ajahn Chah
