
Hey Lazy, why do you think the degree of hardships are so vastly varied from person to person? Karma at play perhaps? What’s your opinion on karma? Anyways, and I think I can speak on behalf of many, thank you for being a great spiritual friend to all of us 🙂 Namaste!


Your guess is as good as mine. Some people like to say that things happen for a reason. Maybe they’re right. But all I know is that Things Just Happen. No one asked to be born, regardless of what circumstance and body they were born into. 

Explaining situations in terms of karma can be a slippery slope. It can seem as if someone deserved to starve, to be raped, to be murdered. It was their karma, right? 

Just as we do not exist as individuals but instead as an interdependent organic system intwined with our species and the planet, the same goes for karma. We suffer at the hands of other people’s ignorance while others suffer at the hands of our own. 

This is also why our own awakening from illusion and suffering into realization and clarity is the greatest gift we can render the world. Not only do others cease to suffer from our own ignorance but instead they are benefited in ways that defy description. 

Ultimately, all karma must be erased. Whether it’s good karma or bad karma, it’s still the stuff tying us to the deception of the ocean mistaking itself for a wave. The difference is that good karma can create the opportunity to transcend karma, whereas bad karma—behaving like an animal—will only serve to plunge a person further into delusion. 

One school of thought regards the notion of “bad things” happening to “good people” as karmic purification. It is karma leaving you. These are the things which seem bad at first, and continue to be bad so long as you resist them. But once you surrender and listen to the wisdom of your suffering, something miraculous shifts. For example, imagine an incredibly beautiful but incredibly vain model aging. She will feel betrayed, horrified, and robbed of her identity. But if she uses the experience to weaken her vanity and rediscover a sense of self independent of body image, then the experience has provided her with a form of wisdom that will outlast death itself. 

Jesus on the cross is another example. It wasn’t until Jesus had lost everything, dying in agony and feeling as though God the Father had forsaken him, did he finally totally surrender. 

Whether the dance between ourselves and this life brings things that are to your liking or not, what matters is how you use those experiences to support your awakening. Otherwise it’s all just a delusional game of Monopoly in a house that’s slowly but surely burning to the ground. 

Namaste my friend 🙂

joyful abandon 


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